Like dormant underground water, the "painting of the elusive" slowly infiltrated the hollow of my dreams, to metamorphose into an undulating trickle, then into an impetuous flow
. Biography
The world of art, literature and painting have been part of my life since my earliest memories.
After a brief administrative career, interrupted with the professional development of my spouse, the changes of residence succeeded one another. I then had the chance to meet renowned artists, especially in Normandy, and I worked in different workshops. (Jean François Conta in Caen, Emmanuel Lemardelé and Françoise Prizer in Rouen).
These experiences allowed me to concretize and enrich the desire to express myself in painting.
After a figurative period, I gradually evolved towards a more informal and intuitive approach. The exploration of this non-figurative painting was a real revelation in my creative language and always leads me more towards other perceptions.
After experiencing the waves of Dunkirk and then those of Marseille, I now live in Anjou, a chosen region, where I have a “workshop house” at Ponts de Cé.
The desire to pass on my passion has materialized and I have been leading, for more than 20 years, workshops "approach to abstraction" at the Groupement Artistique Trélazéen (GAT) at Trélazé after having had the same experiences in Laval and Rouen. It is an unspeakable joy for me to accompany everyone on their own path and to make them glimpse the unsuspected riches of this intimate quest.
In summary, my pictorial itinerary has allowed me to exhibit collectively and personally under many skies, between the Hauts de France, Normandy, Auvergne, Occitanie, the PACA region, the Pays de la Loire, Paris,….